Fancy Bird Nest• My office is quiet, peaceful and exceptionally private; it's located in my home. While it's not unusual for psychologists to have an office in their home, many clients may not consider that a home office offers more privacy (no waiting room), is quieter (no office mates) so you can relax more deeply.


• I am conveniently located at 535 Forum Ave, Louisville, KY 40214 - just west of the airport, one mile south of the Watterson (I-264) off the 3rd Street and Southern Parkway exit. If you're coming from 264, you'll take Southern Parkway south for one mile. On your left, you'll pass Tenny, then Kingston and Forum is next. Forum is also a half mile north of Iroquois Park (from Taylor Blvd and New Cut Road). If you're coming north from the park, you'll pass on your right Dale then School Way and Forum will be next. Mine is the seventh house on the left, red brick front with large Magnolia trees in front. You can park in the driveway or there is safe street parking directly in front and on either side of the house. Get directions from Google Maps.


• Availability & Office Hours: At this point in my career, I generally have 12 to 20 therapy or coaching sessions a week. Much of the rest of my time is invested in deepening my meditation practice and exploring cutting edge psychotherapeutic processes, most recently psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and coaching. This flexibility, along with the fact that my office is in my home, allows me to be very responsive to the changing needs of my clients. I generally start my work day around 10 am and end around 7 pm, Monday through Friday - except Thursday which is my usual day off.


Woman Zooming• Internet Conferencing: Of course, with the internet, "my office" is as convenient as your computer or mobile device anywhere in the world that has internet or cellphone access. I commonly use Zoom for these meetings, a stable and secure (HIPPA approved) video conferencing program that's free for you. I'll send you an "invitation" to our pre-arranged meeting and you'll click on a hyper-link (computer) or download a free app (smart phone or iPad) to join the call. I am also able to meet with couples or professional colleagues in separate locations. Many of my clients find this a useful option especially if they live out of the Louisville area either within the US or out of the country, as well as for those traveling, or are otherwise unable to attend meetings in person (e.g., homebound or in isolation). I've been consistently impressed with the clarity and comfort of the interpersonal connection and by the level of work that is possible through Zoom.


• Individual, Couple's therapy and Coaching: While the amount of energy required is generally greater when three people are engaged in the therapy or coaching process, I made the decision some years ago to keep my fees the same as for individual sessions and ask couples to be as generous as possible in setting their fee. I find working with motivated couples rewarding. After years in this practice, I'm still amazed by how a relationship can transform so deeply and so quickly when a couple brings a mindful perspective and a heart-felt commitment to our work together.


Fancy Bird Nest• Session Length & Fees: I have 90-minute sessions with my clients for a number of reasons. The primary one is that over the years, I have found longer sessions are more efficient - in time and money invested as well as in the results obtained. Typically, after a couple of weekly sessions, we go to an every-other-week or once a month meetings so 90-minute sessions are also more convenient for my clients - fewer sessions to fit into their busy schedule, fewer trips to and from my office. And, in the long-run, this approach saves my clients money.


• The fee for my usual 90-minute session ranges from $300 down to $200 for either in-person or Zoom sessions. I offer this "sliding scale" so folks for whom I am the best option, are able to receive my psychotherapy and life coaching services regardless of their financial situation. My assumption is that folks whose total family income is at or over $150K will pay $300, around $125K, the fee drops to $275, around $100K the fee drops to $250, around $75K the fee drops to $225, below $70K the fee drops to $200.... If you're financial situation is particularly challenging, let's have a chat and explore options for working together (e.g. payment plan, fewer sessions). A lot can happen in a 90-minute session and it's common that sessions are every other week or once a month (or less in some situations).


My fee for forensic work is $300 an hour - no sliding scale. I require that a payment is made before my work with the case begins (e.g. providing testimony or a deposition).


• Missed appointments and late cancellations: Missing a scheduled psychotherapy or coaching session or canceling one without at least 24 hours notice will result in a bill for half of the normal fee for the session you had scheduled. If I miss an appointment or have to cancel one with less than 24 hours notice, the charge for the next session will be reduced by half. To cancel a session with short notice (e.g., less than 2 days prior to a scheduled session), please don’t rely on email which I may not see in time; please send a text or call me at 502 727 2996. This agreement is written near the bottom of my intake form.


• Payment Options for my professional services (psychotherapy or life coaching) can be made with cash, personal check, major credit card (including a Health Savings Account) to PayPal or through a transfer to Venmo or to Wise. Click here for details and links.


• Emails & Texts: Over the years, I have found that email and text communications are best when used only for administrative purposes such as scheduling appointments, for which there is no charge. I have found that emails and texts do not work well in the interpersonal process of therapy or coaching as there is too much room for misunderstanding with too little room for clarification. I have been amazed by just how much time it can take to respond skillfully to these methods of communication. Issues that could have been addressed in a half-hour phone or Zoom session can take many times longer, and the results are almost never as clear nor as useful. Given this history, I have decided to no longer engage with therapy or coaching clients via email or texts for anything other than basic administrative needs. If at some point, if you find yourself in need of a brief consultation, call or text me at 502 727 2996 and we'll set up a Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp meeting.


Insurance Questions:

Fine Print• I am not involved with any insurance companies as a "preferred provider" nor am I on any organization's "panel." Over the years I have found these types of relationships to be unsatisfactory on several levels, primarily in how it can negatively influence the working relationship I have with my clients while at the same time, greatly reducing the level of confidentiality (now and in the future). Remember that insurance companies can demand I send your records at any time for whatever reason they have...maybe not good. Further, the "issues of concern" typical of my clients often don't fit the "medically necessary" criteria set by most insurance companies. So, the end result of jumping through their many hoops is often a denial of coverage.


• My sliding fee scale is designed to fit the needs of my clients for professional support while keeping our working relationship private and personal.


• My approach is responsive to needs of my client which often shift as the process of healing and transformation unfolds. Perhaps a couple of weekly sessions followed by three to six bi-weekly sessions followed by monthly or quarterly contact - doesn't have to be a major on-going expense. Considering these factors along with the charges associated with the common insurance coverage for "mental health issues" - the high deductibles and the co-pays, my fee adjusted to your financial situation can be the more reasonable option.


• Out-of-Network Provider: Assuming the issues you are experiencing are considered "medically necessary" by your insurance company, I can provide you with a receipt that you can present to them as an "out-of-network" provider (if this a provision of your policy as it often is with PPO policies for example). If it doesn't allow you to receive some actual reimbursement, it may allow you to apply your payments to your deductible. However, my experience with this process has not been encouraging, but your situation may be different. Please don't count on this as the track record over the years is not good.


• HIPPA Form - Before we begin working together, please read this "Notice of Privacy Practices" statement, and let me know if you have any questions.


• Intake form - There's a one sheet of information I collect from my clients - name, address, etc... You can fill this out when you come for your first office session or you can click to open a pdf version or click to download a MSWord version. If you are coming into the office, you may print it out, fill it in and bring it in with you. If our first meeting will be a Zoom session, you can fill it out and either scan it or take a photo of it and send it to me as an email or text attachment - whatever works best for you - no worries.


I am looking forward to working with you! If you have any questions or concerns, please drop me a note at or call me at 502 727 2996. Or, consider a free 20-minute phone call so you can get a feel for me and a sense of how we would work together.





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